Life in High Definition

Life in High Definition
Photo by Normand Duval

Friday, 3 December 2010

Sure Reality Sucks however fighting Reality Wastes the Potential of Greater Things

I have been fighting the very basic reality of life for an eternity. And when I think about it; it makes me feel pretty stupid because it is so obvious that it’s the nature of things.....duh....

Did you ever think about the fact that things can never stay permanently clean, beautiful, and perfect? Things can stay dirty; old and decrepit...however they cannot stay perfectly brilliant and new.....I mean you buy a new car and it looks awesome for the first few years and eventually it won’t be new anymore right? No duh! 

Anything we buy eventually gets older; dirty; tarnishes unless you don’t use it and you keep shinning it; and out of the process of oxidization.... it won’t stay in the same state forever. So why do we have these expectations that things stay the same; that thing stay beautiful and shinny and clean? Why do we have expectations that we stay young, thin and beautiful forever? Age happens....we get mileage and usage out of our bodies and it eventually shows.

I am so angry at myself for creating some crazy unrealistic ideas in my head that I was going to stay young and beautiful or rather that I should forever;  that my material things should stay perfectly the same as when I first buy them. Like my new lap top it is shiny and clean and functional and I feel this constant tension inside me that there is something I should be doing to keep it that way; like there is a way to keep it from being affected by usage and time. I have dropped it several times because of this apparent tension. I never dropped my old lap top; this one 3 times in a matter of 8 months and the last time it fell the casing cracked on the edge! It no longer looks new; it really looks used and thankfully for some reason it still works perfectly! I know some part of me has been trying to get my attention trying to get me to see the reality of life. We have a new car this year and I backed it up into my boss’s trailer; a low flat platform which I could not see and the sensors on the car did not pick up. It left a small straight line mark scratching into the paint; on top of the bumper and my boss said “well it’s not new anymore!”. Another day he saw a small round dent on top of the hood; it’s like something fell from the sky or someone banged on it with their fist; neither I nor my man (the owner of the brand new car!) had any idea of how it happened and again my boss said “well it’s not new anymore”.  I guess he must have the same issue of not accepting the reality of change and age. He use to be a champion skier as a member of the Olympic Canadian ski team....reality hit hard at a young age when all the glory and attention from the world came to an abrupt halt; from being a somebody fully supported and provided for by the Canadian Olympic team; travelling the world; being in the lime light to a nobody over night just because things change; age happens and the lime lights are turned towards other new young champions.

Turning the stage back to me: at 47 years old you can imagine that I have cleaned house a few times over a life time; especially when visitors are on their way. It always frustrates me to not be able to keep a house clean; like it’s somehow possible without a huge amount of effort. I have always had this unrealistic tension inside that I am failing because I am not able to keep a house clean; neat and looking perfectly unlived in. Of course there is one incessant irritation that just keeps getting worse with time: it is of keeping me and my body looking new, tight, shinny, young and soft like a baby. I have been fighting with myself my whole life in trying to create the impossible, never once questioning myself if it was even a realistic expectation! In the last three years I have stopped battling and struggling in trying to stay young and thin and looking 20 in my 40’s allowing myself to eat what I want like never before and letting go of all forced and disciplined sports and activities in the hopes of fighting against time and nature. I have let nature take its course....yet part of me, I am shameful to admit, still has fairy tale hopes that maybe that was the secret to staying young...that to stop fighting nature would keep me young! Uhmmm did I stop to think that nature IS taking its course no matter what efforts I take on to try and hide it?....That means I am getting older and gravity has been taking effect for quite some time; big boobs get real tired of looking perky and upbeat; real fast...I am getting fatter and flabbier gravity too showing in the direction the flab hangs and the grey hairs are coming in more and more as well as the wrinkles. Since I am not dyeing my hair; wearing less make up than ever (none most days); nor spending lots of time at the gym nor at any effort of pushing against the reality of what my body is right now in my life and since I make no effort to stop myself from eating things I desire that are forbidden if your looks are more important than your pleasure; I get to face the truth a little more head on. It amazes me how as a society we all collude in this lie that we should all look 20 or at least 30 forever and have all these gimmicks and formulas and techniques for doing so. I just realised that I have a fear my sisters might hate me because I am the youngest by 3 and 6 years and the fact that I am showing my greys and my loosening body quite openly prevents whatever efforts they are putting into looking and staying young by the way side: their youngest little sister is getting old before their very eyes; so obviously so are they by a factor of 3 and 6 years!

Since I am not hiding my natural aging like most everyone around does, I have this fear that I am getting older faster; that at 47 I look and feel like a little old lady of 74! Une madame en bon Québécois! And that’s not madame as in keeper of a brothel although the ones that do are usually passed their prime and a little decrepit....I feel young and look old. Instead of losing weight I keep gaining and that doesn’t make me look younger...I guess it makes me look my age yet most women my age are working hard not looking their age! What is wrong with me...?? I stopped fighting my true nature a few years back and I never realised that it involved not fighting my age...and its effect on my body. I had not really thought about the fact that if you stop hiding what shows!! I was hoping I had the secret of staying young by not fighting nature! What a contradiction and how ridiculous is that!

Why is every single person on this earth or at least everyone I know; so persistent in fighting reality? We all collude in this lie that we should and somehow can be perfectly perfect all the time! Why do we have these horribly unfair expectations of ourselves to be perfectly beautiful, young, smart, witty, smiling, happy, pleasant, friendly, rich and shiny clean and nice all the time when it is so not the nature of things!???? Anything that takes a huge amount of effort to create: IS FIGHTING THE NATURE OF THINGS! THE NATURE OF WHAT IS...Oh I see whenever we push hard and fight hard; putting lots of effort into something; it is not to face that thing we are trying to fight against....age, being poor, being alone, being useless, being a nobody, being stupid (going to school!), not important etc... 

Not only am I fighting the nature of my getting older; as well as the fact of my not being interested in pushing and struggling against myself in every aspect of my being; I am also fighting the reality that my daughter is 20 and on her way of creating a life away from me; a life of her own without a mother in her way all the time finding out if she is ok and fine and should she need anything. I have not wanted to see that I am more of a pain when I am ready to jump to fill her every need at any moment; than helpful.... I have been fighting and resisting the fact that my motherhood has also come to a halt and that my baby is not a baby anymore. Why so much effort to keep things small and as they are? Why fight so hard against the reality of impermanence and of constant change? Fear of the unknown keeps us trapped in places that no longer serve us and atrophies the potential of much greater things....I don’t know why but this all makes me think of the ancient Chinese method of binding women’s feet....trying to force them to stay small....and how damaging that was to the feet and apparently their balance as well.....

Saturday, 14 August 2010


Yesterday morning I had a very clear feeling that everything that is; including all that we judge as horribly awful and unjust was .....expressing...and if it is expressing then it is all was good....nothing to work control and to shape into something it isn't...

In my experience that is what causes pain....when I push away from what is.....when I try to make something...something it isn't....

This morning....I wake up from dreams that have helped me bring deeper; unconscious; beliefs and hidden the surface....about how I in the past I abandoned myself...rejected myself ....took myself out relationships....and situations.....

I am writing to have more clarity....

In one dream I find out that my spouse is seeing someone....spending time with doesn't seem to be any mention of sex...hwv it is someone that has brought some pleasure and contentment to him....and had kept it from me.... it was someone that was not more ways than one...someone I could not be.... She was blond; and French Quebecois....and they were working on either a song or a play...I can't remember about the Quebec culture....experience from the Quebecois point of view...something I cannot not...

I am born in France....and have lived in a mostly Anglophone world since we moved to Canada 40 yrs ago....up until 3 yrs ago and since my partner of course....of 7 yrs next month...came into my life...although he is a very bilingual person like me; living in limbo quite easily between the French and English world we live in..... we speak interchangingly from one language to the other together....

So in this dream when I find out that my man has been spending time with someone that I cannot compete with...cannot be in any way.... I fall into a deep despair...and painful spin of powerlessness....the pain was atrocious... and I give him an ultimatum.... I see how this encounter brings him joy...and contentment... yet I cannot bear that it isn't coming from me....that I am not enough....that I am incomplete.....

In my real life experience of my ex husband having a long time mistress during 3 years of our well as a short lived adventure with someone close to me..... I felt the same atrocious pain....despair and powerlessness....and pulled away....there was no other choice....but to pull away in my experience.....Even though I tried to work things find ways to make it work......when the whole truth came out...which took close to a year to be revealed...I felt like someone had cut off my torso... that all that I had believed in...that I had put my efforts and energy towards keeping in my life....was taken away ....EVERYTHING in my life changed.....EVERYTHING was not what I thought it was.... EVERYTHING had betrayed me...I HAD BETRAYED MYSELF...into believing in all those things and all those people... believing those were the things that were going to take care of me; make me happy; protect me....that my choices were ones that would 'do it' for me....Marriage, FAMILY, job, money...... the people I chose to take care of me and that I loved and looked up to the most.... None of it had worked....I lost it all in an instant....although it took me a long time to notice....that I was still standing....I was still whole...

So this dream....woke up the memory of that experience and all the others of feeling betrayed; abandoned and rejected......except I was witness to the horrible pain...It was precisely the same as the real life one...and noticed that my choice was a desperate one.....of removing myself....throwing everything away... and that ...that was the painful process... that I was desperately in pain from feeling like I was in a dead end....I remember and feel that horrible pain again.....of facing a very painful dead going everything was not as I thought....and I could no longer lie to myself.....and going forward in the only direction and choice I thought was possible was too horribly painful.... The direction I chose was to pull myself out was all or nothing....all the rose coloured illusions.....or nothing....I could not accept that my life was not as I thought it should be...that I was not who I thought I was.... so it all went out with the bath water....all of it... I rejected every part of myself...and of my past....thinking it was all invaluable....unreal.....wrong....bad....

Take the rose coloured glasses off and it all becomes black or white....

In the dream as the dreamer watching...I the character...I felt pain of the pain...and I noticed how I had another choice than the one I took....I noticed that I was eradicating everything....losing everything..... I was taking myself out.... giving my spouse an is her or I....and not having had a response yet I was already gone....feeling like I was leaving my life with him....for a life of complete misery...because I could not imagine a life without him....a me without him......

I woke up with feeling like I was unjust with myself...throwing everything away... because I felt I was not enough....that I was incomplete......

I recently took myself out of my relationship with my daughter....because I felt I was not enough...for her...incomplete...that there was no room for me....everything else being more with her father; friends; work; and a new love interest...and soon university.....there is no room for an annoying mother who lives her life just pace is slow; feeling and expressing...and hers is fast and furious and doing.... I once again pulled back....all or nothing....

Maybe it is an instinct of feeling like I should be everything for her....and if I am not....if I can not be...then I am nothing...

If I was not everything to my ex husband....her father....if other women were filling some other roles....filling in the holes I could not fill...then I was nothing....

If I could not be all to my spouse in my dream....then I was nothing...

It's all or nothing...... I am an expansive being.. I am everything.....or I am nothing...

If I am everything; everything is me... then everything is nothing....or everything.....

This makes no sense....and at the same time...I feel like it is everything...





Monday, 9 August 2010

Je voudrais être libre d'être.....

Je voudrais être libre d'être.....
d'être pure comme un enfant....pure dans mon expression...
d'être libre comme un enfant....libre d'être dans le moment
Libre d'exprimé ce qui EST pure dans le moment...
La rage; la colère; la peine; la joie et la gloire! Sans retenu; sans distorsion…

Je voudrais être libre de toujours être à l'égard des apparences….de la peur du rejet…..
Les apparences en s’en foutrait bien si on était pas si dépendant de l’approbation et si peureux des jugements  !

Je voudrais être libre de ressentir ; d’expérimenter ; de penser ; d’agir sans le besoin qu’un autre m’aime ou m’applaudi…

Je voudrais être libre…d’être….être moi dans sa pureté d’être…
Nous confondons..pureté….un état d’être sans défauts ; sans saleté ; beau et lumineux quand pureté veux dire un état pure ; naturel sans distorsions…sans altérité… variance !
Pureté d’être……un état pure….n’est ce pas un état pure d’expressions incluant l’expression d’impuissances et de douleurs : rage ; violence ; colère ; haine ; laideur ; peur ; anxiété…. La pureté de l’état du moment… ?
Comme un enfant….

Pourquoi tant d’énergie à contenir ; caché ; renfermer ; retenir ….ce qui est ? Par peur de l’effet de ce qui est ? Par peur de la douleur de ce qui est ? Par peur de ressentir la preuve de mon impuissance ? Et le rejet de ce qui est ? Le rejet du soi…..le rejet de ce qui est en moi…..n’est ce pas ce qui deviens douleur ? Libération de ce qui est en moi…qui fait peur…n’est ce pas libération de l’état d’être et de douleur?

Sure que si on était pas dans un corps venu sur terre pour oublié notre vrai nature…pour expérimenté autre chose que la clarté de l’être….il en aurait pas de jugement envers soi ; pas de colère et de haine… de peur…ni de douleur…...Pourquoi nié le parcours que j’ai choisi de vivre et d’être ?

Ah….ce parcours si mystérieux qui sera toujours propice aux énigmes ….interrogations … devinettes….. !