Life in High Definition

Life in High Definition
Photo by Normand Duval

Friday, 27 January 2012

Today I Chose to Stay and Listen

I am broken.... I am on my knees begging me to listen, to stay, not to stray, not to go away. 

So many times before I could not bear to stay. 
Yes I am weak. Yes I am in need, but please do not look away. 
Stay with me. Look at me. 

It is I, the one you have for so long been afraid to see, to be. It is I, the most tender, frail parts of your interior. Why so afraid to be with me? Afraid I will make others mock you, leave you, abandon you? Ha! In your haste and fear you do just that!! You have been mean and neglectful of your inner womb, your inner child, your inner orphan.


Yes there is much shame in abandoning and neglecting the most deprived, poorest, hungriest, thirstiest parts of yourself, pretending they are non existent.

Today we change all HEARD the cry! You LISTENED as you called out: "I NEED YOU!" ....Yes it was ur inner child crying out...calling out to you! BRAVO!! You finally heard the cry, you finally woke up from your stupor! Never again shall we be parted, isolated, never will we feel orphaned and neglected!

From your ashes you shall rise...the true vibrant fibers of your being....shall you reconstruct.constructing...

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